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It's that time again. Swarm season. We made sure we had some strong hives to carry to an apple orchard at the end of March. Strong hives is good but strong hives also swarm. Before we could move the hives we had 3 swarms that we saw and managed to put into boxes. And after a couple of days at the apple orchard we found and hived 4 more swarms. Who knows how many we didn't see?! Sometimes the swarms cooperate and hang low enough to reach without assistance and sometimes they don't.

Sometimes the swarms cooperate and hang low enough to reach (top picture.) And sometimes they don't. (bottom picture.)

Sometimes the swarms cooperate and hang low enough to reach.

The apple trees provide an excellent place for the swarms to hang. After the first two, I was too busy to snap more photos of the next 2!

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    Betsy's Bee Stuff uses beeswax obtained from local hives to make lotions, salves, deodorant, lip balm, and anything else we can think of.

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